Energy & Climate Protection degree programme
The “Energy & Climate Protection Degree Program” work package focuses on improving qualifications for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in renewable building energy technology. By integrating vocational training with academic studies, this package addresses the increasing demand for skilled professionals in the areas of climate protection and energy management. The key objective is to ensure that SMEs have access to well-qualified professionals capable of tackling critical challenges in energy efficiency and sustainability.
Main results:
A. Report on qualification needs and conditions for SMEs in renewable building energy technology, targeting entrepreneurs, executives, and skilled workers.
B. Concept for integrating vocational training into dual degree programs, with implementation guidelines and checklists for partner countries.
C. Official examination regulations with recognized continuing education certification.
D. Comprehensive concept for a three-tier dual degree program in “Renewable Building Energy Management,” including curriculum, module handbook, and examination regulations.
E. Continuing education program for “Energy Service Managers,” including curriculum, teaching materials, and examination regulations.

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